The Enlightening Hope Project was inspired by another project happening on the east coast that honors lives lost to opiate and drug addiction. Due to COVID restrictions, it was difficult participating in a physical support group and decided that I could join many grieving families online via social media. I came across the project while searching for support groups and was so very moved by the message of this group and knew that I needed to provide something locally on the opposite side of the continue to honor my son, and those still struggling.
Unfortunately, The Enlightening Hope Project exists because of the pain we are pushing through because we lost some one we love to a drug addiction/overdose. Though this heartache is beyond anything we have ever experienced, we are hoping that this is a safe and respectful place/platform to remember your loved one. If you are interested, the Enlightening Hope Project will create a photo memory of your loved one that will include a summary of who he/she is that will be used to help build visual awareness in our community.
As a reminder that our official kick-off will still be held on Sunday, February 7, 2021. Due to COVID Restrictions, we will be live streaming; and, for those of you who would like to participate, we will be sending you an email to confirm where you would like your candle to be sent.
Remember…there is hope for others in their walk and our goal is that we bring the message that drug addiction is an illness. But the only way we can combat it is bringing it…out of the darkness and into the light.
