One day while I was working at the rehab facility, I was feeling very depressed...missing my son like there was no end in sight. I felt so alone in my grief...sad, angry, lost. I got a soft knock at my door...I quickly wiped my eyes, gained as much composure as I could, and said come in.
I always maintain an open door policy, no matter what personal anguish I may be experiencing. Primarily because I believe that in helping others in this field, I am fulfilling what my son would want me to do...and I always see him in other's eyes. Back to the reason for this blog.
So one of the counselors walked in and explained that he had a mother looking for services for her adult son but was experiencing difficulties getting through on our phone system. Because I was a "corporate" employee, he hoped that I could help her with her grievance. He politely asked if he could transfer her directly to my line and if the call dropped, if he could give her my direct number. I said of course, send her through.
I pick up the phone, preparing myself again, believing the woman/mother on the other end of the phone to be angry due to the lack of ease of getting through our phone system. But I was to be extremely surprised that that mother and I had a connection that neither one of us ever wanted...a son struggling with addiction and not being able to help heal them. That morning phone call reminded me why we continue to walk with others in their battle against addiction.
This mother had no experience with addiction and the effects it has on the family as a whole. She was extremely intelligent and well versed...she explained her belief in God and my heart was immediately set at ease. We started speaking about our sons and the similarities and differences and I told her why I do what I do...I lost my son to his addiction and if I can help another, then I am fulfilling the gift that God has given me. After the tears in the morning, I was re-energized to continue helping others, regardless of the roadblocks ahead of me.
Fast-forward to weeks later...I get an email from the receptionist where I work, at this time I am working 100% remotely from home. She asked me if I would like to have a package that arrived in the office mailed to my home. I asked her to politely leave it there and I would pick it up when I could. I knew it was a gift from the mother I spoke with a few months back. She had mentioned that she made me a special gift...
As I open up this heartfelt personalized gift, it came with a card that read:

"Naomi…you are an angel here on earth…the pain and anguish you have endured, you now channel to giving to others. God rejoices! I’m so sorry about your late son. Breaks my heart what you have been through. You are not bitter, rather you are taking your pain to help others. Thank you! You extended your help to me when I needed help. I still do need help but your were there when I called. Thank you! I’m grateful you are a Jesus Follower. God is everything! Thank you! I wish you well."
My heart broke in a million pieces because I am not the angel here on earth...she was the messenger of the angels that surround son, the children and relatives that we lost to their addiction. Those are the angels that walk among us to remind us to remain steadfast in our fight in helping others.
Thank you Ma'am...I needed that and the gift arrived exactly right on time and now has a special spot on the wall next to my baby boy.