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Hope Lights: Addiction Success Stories
This project was initially created to assist families who have lost a loved one due to their addiction; and help others navigate a very confusing system to access help for their grief or continued addiction struggle. Unfortunately, most all addiction stories are usually shadowed by dark, highly stigmatized and faceless segments on the news. But there’s a deeper, human element in each story that is too often untold.
The Hope Lights: Addiction Recovery Success Stories page will feature all those courageous people who have been caught in the grips of addiction and all who continue to live in recovery, helping and inspiring others to walk towards their epic day of recovery. Please keep an eye on our website to witness our very candid interviews with all who would like to share.
If you are interested in sharing your story, or nominating someone you know, please complete the form below.
Joel Carroll
Hope Lights Success Story - Podcast